Finally the four are on their way, after breakfast on the second day of their tour. Click here to sign up to my monthly newsletter (free!) for behind-the-scenes views of making these pages.
Not actually a double page spread, as you can tell from the numbering, but two recent pages. Both took a fair bit of time! But I really wanted to show the difference Holding is expressing between the constrained and formal hotel and the freedom of the outdoors.
Click here to read most recent newsletter online, with some background on these pages and more. Holding's very strong view that camping is better than staying in hotels in every way - financially of course, but also for health, freedom, and enjoyment - is about to be elaborated upon. Over the next several pages he explains the reasons in great detail, including how he stays dry and has a very pleasant time even in the rain.
Sign up to my newsletter to see latest pages as they're finished, and some of the background story on making these pages. Not quite as straightforward as one would hope for.
And, a pretty odd thing to do from our perspective! I do love their socio-political discussion, followed by admission of total ignorance! [For further detail and fascinating info about research etc behind these pages, do join my short monthly mailout - see homepage for sign-up.] |
What's this all about??I'm making a true-story graphic novel called Archives
December 2024
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