It was a weird thing, feeling that mild panic return as a (normally) functioning grown-up. The brain freeze, the embarassment at complete lack of ability to carry out a simple exercise. We weren't even being asked to do anything more than simply imagining a character, defining their physical traits and personality, making them as interesting and unusual as we liked to make them stand out a bit and be memorable. But all I could do was think of real people I know, and no attempt to add or embellish features or aspects to apply to them felt the slightest bit convincing. I simply could not do it. And I felt bad, since these new characters were then meant to encounter each other and we could see what happened next...
Associating with creative types, as I do, just makes it worse. Too many people for whom writing stories and songs is a very normal day-to-day occurence. So what's wrong with my brain and why didn't I get the creative gene? Can it be learnt?
Unfortunately, this is not to say I'm totally lacking in imagination. Just the useful, creative sort. It doesn't take much prompting for a whole dreadful sequence of events to play out in my mind, uninvited and very quickly.
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Does this happen to everyone else, too?