Nothing was straightforward because I made a couple of really dumb mistakes but got there in the end. So here's the silly story.
And after drafting this, I thought it was time to have a go at using colour in a comic. I do love black and white, especially with a grey ink wash added, but colour can be very appealing and it seemed a good idea to do one for practice before I need to, if I ever do. The lines were done with my nice new cheap flexible-nib Noodler's fountain pen, for which I've recently found a good waterproof ink, allowing for watercolour to be added.
Well, it turns out, not too surprisingly, that this requires a bit of care and patience. Like not brushing ones hand across the paper straight after making a line, especially if the line has been applied more thickly which is kind of the point of this pen. And It takes a little while for the ink to be properly dry enough to add the watercolour, too. I corrected the worst of these smudges after scanning, but there are quite a few remaining, adding to the general messiness but hey, that's okay! It's that kind of story.