But looking at this second set compared with the ones from the first half of the month (see previous blog), I'm noticing a few things:
- Far more of these are in colour (though this is NOT to say I don't still love black and white). Sometimes adding colour seemed like a way to make a blah drawing a little more interesting, though this also felt a bit like, well, cheating in a funny sort of way!
- Quite a few were drawn straight to paper in ink without any pencil sketching first, including several done with no pencil AND no planning AND using a new brush-pen, just to make things even harder! This is definitely not what I normally do at all; I usually take ages to draft every detail, so this felt rather scary but a good thing to be attempting.
- Mostly, I had no idea at all what I was going to draw each time, and I really enjoyed the free-flowing silliness. Well, I've long been a doodler, so that's not so new, but doing it for "public" consumption is different and threatened to make lines tighten up and become hesitant. Drawing quickly, loosely, simply and well still eludes me but it was a step in that direction which I would like to keep on trying.
Looking back over the whole month, six were drawn from real life, and two using a reference photo, and 23 from my weird imagination or rather, just appeared on the page before even being imagined.
It's now nine days since the end of inktober, and sad to say but production has fallen right back again. Damn. So that didn't work very well. Having recognised this now, I shall aim to get the sketchbook out. Yes, really. I'm going to go and do something random right now.