I'm going to Coventry tomorrow. Because it's the headquarters of the Camping and Caravanning Club of Great Britain. Which kindly replied to my recent enquiry asking whether they had any more photos of their founder, Thomas Hiram Holding, in addition to the one on their history page on their website. As Holding was a pioneer of camping in the 1800s and wrote a book in 1897 called Cycle and Camp about the first camping trip by bicycle. Which I'm turning into a graphic novel. And I can't wait to see more reference photos and other material from that first trip which will help make my work better. The CCC has an archivist who works there on Tuesdays, and he's already made me a copy of one of Holding's publications from that time which I'm missing. |
Then last week, I was thrilled to receive this photo. It came from a lovely woman called Alison, a friend of a friend whom I haven’t even met. She’d seen these on my page, printed them, and then made them - very successfully, it looks like! The very delicious gingerbread recipe came from a friend, and my mother’s great granola recipe was in my files from when I was about eighteen. Alison told me her family enjoys granola a lot, and she hadn’t realised it was so easy to make, and now she wouldn’t have to buy it anymore. Result!
The plan now is to collect all of these graphic recipes and print them as is -- rough drawing, awkward spacing, ink splodges and all -- as a ‘zine. Zines are traditionally handmade and imperfect, so this will do for now. At least the images will be far clearer than the ones posted online so far, as I’ll scan them instead of just photographing them. If you think you might be interested in a copy when they’re ready, let me know. Or check back here in a couple of weeks or so. |
Click to see: What am I doing right NOW?
=================== Note: Two Shillings per Day graphic novel-related posts now appear over here on their own page. Categories
February 2018