It's the culmination of many years of thinking and planning and starting and stopping, and finally a few very intense months of drafting, drafting, re-drafting, inking, colouring, and formatting.
It's a little hard to believe it's really moved from being mostly in my head for over a decade, to being real little books in my house.
I'm happy to admit this probably wouldn't have happened this year (or even next year or the year after, judging by past experience) without a far more organised approach to getting on with creative work, taught by Jessica Abel earlier this year.
It's all about focus on one thing, asking yourself the right questions, breaking down projects into definable steps, finding a good way to stop losing ideas, figuring out what's really possible in a given time, planning and reviewing and being accountable, and much more. It worked. If you have things you've been meaning to do forever and keep getting stuck, this could really help!